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The European Refining & Fuels Conference on Low-Carbon Fuels Implementation

If you are interested in the energy industry, there'll be a very interesting conference coming on this May. Check out the detail below (which I received in my mailbox):

HART Energy's World Refining & Fuels Conference The European Refining & Fuels Conference on Low-Carbon Fuels Implementation returns to Brussels for the 11th consecutive year and promises to be, once again, the premier exchange platform between key energy policy-makers and industry leaders.

Topics include:

* Europe's Low-Carbon Fuel Strategy - Hear from key Members of Parliament
* Methodology for GHG Emission Reduction from Fuels - EU Commission Keynote
* The U.S. Low-Carbon Fuel Standard - Learn from California's experience
* Integrated Carbon Reduction Approach - Point of view of Major oil companies
* Panels:
o Upstream Carbon Reduction Efforts
o Downstream Low-Carbon Product Options
o Vehicle Pathways for CO2 Reductions
o Life-Cycle Analysis Debate

Registration to the conference includes our unique Dinner Debate at the European Parliament. Don't miss it!

Date: May 27, 2008 - May 28, 2008
Location: The Stanhope Hotel
Rue du Commerce 9
1000 Brussels Belgium
Tel: +32 (0) 2 506 91 11
Fax: +32 (0) 2 512 17 08
info@stanhope.beClick here for information on The Stanhope

To register or to to get more information, click here.

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posted by Kipas Repair JB @ 12:53 PM, ,

Plate Heat Exchanger Cleaning

This video is soda blasting a sugar mill heat exchanger plate removing heavy scale new SS range Soda Blaster from Australian Soda Blasting Supplies. Notice how they can remove the scale without any damage or removal of the rubber seal on the outer edge. ASBS are the only design and manufacturer of Soda Blasting machines and Soda in Australia. See the new SS4, SS2 and the small SS09 in action. Visit www.asbsupplies.com for further details.


posted by Kipas Repair JB @ 7:09 AM, ,

Various Heat Exchanger News and Updates

Here are some links related to heat exchanger updates around the globe. Check it out:

Wigwam Mills is keeping it green
City water that comes into the plant at a temperature between 40 and 50 degrees is sent to the heat exchanger, and the hotter the water in the holding tanks
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Green Line: answers to readers' environmental questions
This is a system where a fluid runs through the solar panels and through a heat exchanger in my special solar water tank. The solar panels do not convert ...
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Energy upgrades
When the stagnant and fresh air pass one another in the system, they are pushed over a heat exchanger, which transfers about 70 percent of the heat from the ...
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Super Soaker Inventor Invents New Thermoelectric Generator
An important efficiency-boosting design element is the regenerative heat exchanger located between the hot and cool zones. This allows the hydrogen gas ...
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Heat scheme not just a pipe dream
The idea would need the backing of building owners and the infrastructure would need to be installed in shops and the tunnel. heat exchanger...
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Ionia revisits wood as fuel
Water comes from one of Ionia's two independent wells and, when heated, circulates past a five-pass heat exchanger contained within the Garn boiler vessel. ...
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Georgia Tech Implements a Cool Solution for Green HPC with IBM
Georgia Tech designed a unique cooling solution incorporating both standard air conditioning and IBM Rear Door Heat exchanger, enabling a compact solution ...
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CADWorx Plant Design Suite 2008 to Be Featured at COADE Discovery ...
Future tour events featuring CAESAR II for pipe stress analysis and PV Elite for pressure vessel and heat exchanger design and analysis are scheduled for ...
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Personal Daq data acquisition systems available from Scientific ...
Finally we measure the oil temperature going into the engine and another at the output to the heat exchanger.” On the plane, engineers also monitor static ...
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Some Engineering Define
Vaporizer of Evaporator, Vaporizer of Evaporator is heat exchanger for the purpose of using steam that is generated by fluid evaporation caused by heating and latent heat given. Condenser, Condenser is a heat exchanger that condense ...
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Malt to Mouth Part 3
Yeast transfer heat exchanger. Pumps the yeast from the fermenters to the yeast tanks, while lowering the temperature using glycol for best storage practices. Fermenter transfer heat exchanger. Pumps and cools the “green beer” from the ...
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Brightsource FAQs
Utilize long rows of curved glass mirrors to heat synthetic oil, which is piped to a heat exchanger to produce steam at about 375° C. This steam is used to drive a steam turbine to produce electricity.
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Richard Rogers National Assembly Building for Wales, Cardiff
The ground is used as a heat source/sink in the form of earth heat exchangers, coupled with heat pumps to reduce the size of conventional boilers and dispense with the need for chillers. The ground source heat pump system (GSHP) will ...
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Sunshine solutions
A working fluid (thermal oil, water or molten salt) passes through the tube, being heated as it does so, this is then passed through a heat exchanger ...
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posted by Kipas Repair JB @ 10:16 PM, ,

The Author


I’m Zaki. I used to be a project, process and chemical engineer. Few years ago I successfully became a Chartered Engineer (IChemE) and Professional Engineer (BEM). I'm now employed as a chemical engineering educator/researcher/consultant. Hope you like reading my blog. I welcome any feedback from you. My email: zaki.yz[alias]gmail.com. TQ!

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