Plumber Vs Plumbing Engineer - What's the Difference?
Friday, December 05, 2008
We've heard, read, seen, listen all about chemical engineering as web 2.0 evolves... Some of us knows the what is chemical engineering and chemical engineer... Some knows the differences between a chemist and a chemical engineer. If you still don't, please Google...
Well, I'm not going to blog about that, instead I want to share something else...When I surf the net just now, I came across this interesting article, "Plumber Vs Plumbing Engineer - What's the Difference?" After reading through, I thought it might be worth sharing in this blog. This article was written by D. Michael Kirby, a freelance writer who loves to share a lots of thing especially about technology. Check it out... and at the end I attached a cool video you don't want to miss... :)
The phrase "plumbing engineer" might just sound like a fancy five-dollar term to use when "plumber" sounds too pedestrian. Like, if your stodgy old eighth-grade English teacher comes to visit, and the toilet breaks, you might say something like, "Alas! It seems as though it may be time to avail myself of some of my local plumbing engineer's finest handiwork! Forsooth, and such."
Luckily, your stodgy eighth-grade English teacher didn't bring your persnickety eleventh-grade science teacher with her, because you'd be wrong.
You call a plumber to fix a broken toilet, repair a leaky pipe or unclog a stubborn drain. Plumbers are a vital component of the professional engineering community, but a plumber just is not the same as a plumbing engineer.
So what is a plumbing engineer, you ask? The easiest way to make the distinction is to think of the plumbing engineer as the guy who designs the system, and the plumber as the guy who maintains it. You'd call Jack the plumbing engineer to map out the hot and cold water system in the new home you're building; you'd call Joe the plumber to fix it when a gasket wears out.
Plumbing engineering relies on design, planning, creation and implementation. A plumbing engineer draws up a pipe system for a new building or series of buildings, makes sure every pipe connection is solid and every delivery method is efficient. He chooses the right materials to make sure the system lasts for years with minimal maintenance. If you get a top-notch plumbing engineer, you probably won't need to call the plumber very often.
The Whole Building Design Guide, an expansive web-based information resource for contractors, designers and architects, provides a good working definition of plumbing engineering:
The Plumbing Engineer is involved with systems that overlap into the mechanical, civil, and chemical engineering disciplines. The Plumbing Engineer is in a key position to influence the water efficiency, sustainable site, energy, fire protection, and pollution systems of a facility.
Plumbing engineers are qualified to oversee a wide array of public and private building projects:
- When a new shopping center needs a stormwater management system, the engineering firm designing the center would hand the job over to a plumbing engineer.
- A plumbing engineer might work closely with a fire protection engineer to to make sure a new sprinkler system is in good working order.
- An entire team of plumbing engineers might design a sewer system for a new housing development.
D. Michael Kirby is a freelance writer living in California. He writes about travel, technology, home improvement, and a plethora of other topics. One of his clients, Enerdyne Engineering, is the premier provider of plumbing engineering services -- and a whole raft of other engineering consulting services -- in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York and Delaware.
Visit Enerdyne here:
After reading the article, I strongly believe you want to see this interesting video clip about the perfect plumber OR is it a disastrous plumber?!!! It sounds like Irish slang...not sure...Enjoy...Get FREE Technical Magazines -
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Labels: Chemical Engineer, Chemical Engineering, Learning Curve
posted by Kipas Repair JB @ 9:30 PM, ,
The Author
I’m Zaki. I used to be a project, process and chemical engineer. Few years ago I successfully became a Chartered Engineer (IChemE) and Professional Engineer (BEM). I'm now employed as a chemical engineering educator/researcher/consultant. Hope you like reading my blog. I welcome any feedback from you. My email: zaki.yz[alias] TQ!