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Finally, My First Research Grant..

It has been a very long time since I published my last post. This has been mainly due to the tight schedule I'm experiencing now. Although I am officially a Ph.D student and granted a 3 years study leave, I still have some pending jobs that need to be settled. So, I can't really focus on my studies yet, but I am trying my very best to fully optimize the time that I have.

Doing Ph.D research without any research fund can be considered a nightmare. It has been bugging me since day 1. I have no money to do research. My supervisor also has very limited money and the money need to be well distributed among 10 post graduate students. So, just imagine how tough it is to do and establish our research. We have to try our best to fully optimize our research spending. Doing research is not cheap and requires money to purchase equipment.

Thank God, I received a very good news 3 weeks ago. My name was in the list of lecturer who received Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) from Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE). To be honest, I have tried so hard and submitted 5 research grants before getting this one. All 5 research proposals submitted earlier were rejected and I must say that I felt a little bit disappointed. However, all of those bitter feeling was covered straight away after seeing my name on the list of successful researcher awarded grant from FRGS. My first reaction... I was very speechless and I just could not believe it... I just joined the faculty and within a year I have my own research grant. Hey...that's not bad at all. My career is kicking off quite well... Thank God again :) .

As a student (already 42 days as a Ph.D student), I have to hand over the responsibility as a research project leader to somebody else. This is mainly because, students are not allowed to be a project leader. Remember, I applied for this grant when I was still active as a lecturer. It was quite a headache wandering who to transfer the responsibility. I was hoping my supervisor to take charge of my research grant. However, she could not because she has numerous project under her charge. So, after a while, thanks to my colleague, nicknamed "EEM" (you know who you are) , he suggested another lecturer to replace me as the project leader. So, I approached the candidate and he agreed to be the project leader. I have just settled all arrangement and documentation to hand over the project to a new project leader.

Next upcoming post:

1. My article was just published in Yellow Pages Energy Guide, Malaysia.
2. Experience Sharing with first year chemical engineering students in UTM.
3. Elected as the FKKKSA - Post Graduate Society President!!!
4. What should I write for my first journal as a Ph.D student?
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posted by Kipas Repair JB @ 2:22 PM, ,

The Author


I’m Zaki. I used to be a project, process and chemical engineer. Few years ago I successfully became a Chartered Engineer (IChemE) and Professional Engineer (BEM). I'm now employed as a chemical engineering educator/researcher/consultant. Hope you like reading my blog. I welcome any feedback from you. My email: zaki.yz[alias]gmail.com. TQ!

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