9 Great Chemical Engineering Related Ebooks
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Find EBooks (a site providing a number of free Ebooks), listed a few chemical engineering and chemistry related ebooks which can be very useful reference for students and practicing engineers. All of the ebooks are in PDF format and they are free to download. Most of them are in normal book format while some of them are from bulletin or technical paper. I selected 9 fantastic ebooks which I believe is of great value. Check it out:
1. Centrifugal Compressor
Centrifugal Compressors and Steam Turbines.
2. Media Wiley
Basic Thermodynamics.
3. UIC.edu
A Revision of the Distillation Theory (Part I).
4. CHE.WISC.edu
The Material Balance for Chemical Reactors.
5. Geo Heat
Direct-Use Temperature Requirements: A Few Rules of Thumb.
6. HAZOPS ebook
A hazard analysis and operability study (HAZOPS) is one of the essential topics in Chemical Engineering field. It holds a critical role in both design and operation of a plant or unit process. This HAZOPS ebook has nine chapters, such as introduction, overview, essential elements, methods and examples, reporting and analysis, etc.
7. Material Engineering Ebook-1;
Material Engineering Ebook-2
These ebook explain about structure of materials, property of metals, thermal shocks, brittle fracture and plant materials. The ebooks are suitable for engineering students and professionals.
8. Fungicide information ebook
Fungicide is a type of pesticide. It is intended to kill fungus. Fungicide is commonly used in industry, agriculture and home. Getting right information about fungicide will help us to reduce its adverse effects on health and environment.
These are two household chemicals that are always available in every home. They help moms to keep households clean and hygiene. But do you know that cleaners and polishers contain potential hazards to the whole family? Do you really understand about the chemicals of cleaners and polishers? If not, I think you’d better to check out this free ebook.
If you have more ebooks or other valuable references, please share it with us. If it's good, I'll post it here so that more people can read and use it. Thanks in advance... :)Labels: Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Cooling Tower, Learning Curve, Research, Review, Study
posted by Kipas Repair JB @ 11:11 PM,
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The Author

I’m Zaki. I used to be a project, process and chemical engineer. Few years ago I successfully became a Chartered Engineer (IChemE) and Professional Engineer (BEM). I'm now employed as a chemical engineering educator/researcher/consultant. Hope you like reading my blog. I welcome any feedback from you. My email: zaki.yz[alias]gmail.com. TQ!