Doxford Power Ltd - Volume Potable Water and Power Production
Monday, January 28, 2008
I just received an interesting email (thanks Mr. Ray for forwarding it to me) mentioning about a special "Volume Potable Water and Power Production" product. It is believed that this product will be of interest to World Vision as it provides clean potable water as a by-product of electrical power generation, both of which are core fundamentals to health issues for the developing world. I believe, a lot more parties will be interested with such a brilliant revolutionary product like this.
Doxford Power Ltd. (DPL), a company based in UK, produces a 10MWe power station equipment or power stations complete on a supply or BOO (Build, Own and Operate) basis. These power stations are significantly different to current (fossil and alternative) power stations in that their primary fuel is derived from two sources, Biomass (Jatropha Curcas, Rapeseed, Palm oil etc) or waste (household or industrial). With that, the product has no reliance on fossil fuels, the chance for a developing country to meet its current and future energy demands from domestic agribusiness and a waste management solution which can be run in parallel to the agribusiness which can utilize what is normally sent to landfill sites as EfW (energy for waste).
DPL owns and utilizes a second technology called a Powereau Unit which drives considerable efficiencies into standard heat engines (generators and gas turbines) and also the DPL power units. A by-product of this intercooler technology is water, and it produce lots of it. A 10MWe power station will require approximately 25,000 tonnes of biomass oil per month but will produce as a by-product in excess of 100,000 tonnes of water per month and more in humid conditions. This water alone justifies the fuel source.
Fuel Source
The DPL 10MWe power plant can utilize Jatropha Curcas plantations to supply 100% renewable and sustainable fuel supply. The berry crop has the oil removed via crushing and filtration with the waste being made into briquettes for domestic heating and cooking use (thus avoiding cutting further trees) One key issue here is sustainable employment. One DPL power plant will require 2000 hectares of land on average to run every year if Jatropha Curcas is the crop of choice. This provides employment at usually a higher standard than current farmers receive of one job per hectare.
The core infrastructure resources for world health are water and power. This DPL power plant provides both of these and whats more, it can commercially reduce current power production costs.
It seems that this is a superb product and the company has began the business development for it. I understand that the marketing material for this product is being processed now. Hence, what you are seeing (from the power point slide presentation) is the core management marketing pre-graphic designers and is not the final professional presentation yet. The product will only be available from April 2008 onwards.
I tried to get further in depth information from the company's website;, however, it could not be opened. I hope the problem can be rectified and interested parties can refer to it for more information.
Check out the NEW: Energy Production VIDEOSLabels: Biology, Biotechnology, Chemical Engineering, Chemical Plant, Energy, Environmental, Equipments, Health, Learning Curve, News, Oil and Fats, Processing., Quality
posted by Kipas Repair JB @ 10:15 PM,
- At Tuesday, January 29, 2008, Unknown said...
The contact information of Gregg Fryett, the chap to contact if you are interested in finding out more about this:
Phone: 0811006651
Ruixiang(Ray) Huang
LL.B(Hons) - At Tuesday, January 29, 2008, Kipas Repair JB said...
Thanks for adding up the info. - At Tuesday, January 29, 2008, said...
Interesting concept and we have looked at it in Mozambique with Indian technology. But it's capital intensive. In South Africa where I live we are not yet allowed to grow jatropha but if we had it we'll n0t be running out of power. Well done on sharing the article.
- At Tuesday, January 29, 2008, Kipas Repair JB said...
Let us see what will the cost of this equipment be...
I look forward to see it. I believe others will want to see it too...
The Author

I’m Zaki. I used to be a project, process and chemical engineer. Few years ago I successfully became a Chartered Engineer (IChemE) and Professional Engineer (BEM). I'm now employed as a chemical engineering educator/researcher/consultant. Hope you like reading my blog. I welcome any feedback from you. My email: zaki.yz[alias] TQ!