Early Chapter as a Chemical Engineering Student II
In the Nothern Consort ium United Kingdom (NCUK) program, the life is not as easy as expected. I'm now a first year chemical engineering student. I have to learn more chemical engineering subjects. It was simply because NCUK is a program for first year university that uses the syllabus for a number of universitis offering chemical engineering degree in the Midlands, UK. So, instead of learning first year subjects of a university, i have to learn subjects from a combination of university, which means I have to slightly learn more. Well, all university offering chemical engineering will have a in general a quite similar basic first year subjects. So, well....that's ok. I have to face it.
The subjects that i learned during that first year university:
1. Chemical & Power Thermodynamic
2. Material & Energy Balance
3. Unit Operations - I realised i applied a lot of this in work now....
4. Fluid Flow, Heat & Mass Transfer - I used the knowledge of this as well in plant
5. Strength of Material
6. Reaction Kinetics
7. Engineering Drawings - I like this...because i like drawing...
8. Engineering Mathematics/Statistics - I didn't like this...all the differentiation and calculus!!!
9. Laboratory Experiments - Lots of very interesting experiments and it's fun!!!
10. First Year Design Project - could not really remember...about this....
Well, at the end of year, i took the exams together with the rest of my friends. It's so tough!!! It was the most difficult examinations that i have ever taken in my entire life....This exam was very critical as it decides wether you go to UK or you stay in the country....I can recalled some of my friends crying while answering the examination papers. I can also see my friends shaking their head not knowing what to answer. All papers were veryyyy tough, but the most cruel and disastrous were Unit Operation and Engineering Maths. The lecturer, to my suprised enjoyed seing us cannot answer the questions....Oh no....what will our future be?? That questions linger in most of our heart....Are we going to UK or not?
The day came and the result was released. It's now a matter of "pass" OR "fail"...Everybody were worried. Worried that they won't make it for UK. Well, to my relieve, i passed the first year examination. Majority of my friends passed too. If I'm not mistaken, maybe about 10 of my friends failed and they were very miserable. I felt sorry for them. Life goes on...and now I'm on my way to UK..........I believe I can fly.....
posted by Kipas Repair JB @ 8:44 PM,
- At Thursday, August 24, 2006, said...
yes i remember that engineering maths subject and that whatsisname encik??$%^&, used to love maths until that point in my life, that man really put me off maths big time! My grade was cukup2x makan haha...on the other hand, loved unit op, very interesting subject plus that UM lecturer was hmmm lovely. Also i think that 1st year design project was actually called professional study something? It was a group task, one of my groupmates was your now-other-half. Overall NCUK was all good fun...very tough but aren't we glad we went through that all...suzie - At Sunday, September 03, 2006, Kipas Repair JB said...
Yes suzie....luckily we went thru all the suffering in that war zone...
That's the most difficult exam or part in i think most of our lives...(for everybody who went there...)..
ei...ada job kosong ke kat sana? he he...
The Author
I’m Zaki. I used to be a project, process and chemical engineer. Few years ago I successfully became a Chartered Engineer (IChemE) and Professional Engineer (BEM). I'm now employed as a chemical engineering educator/researcher/consultant. Hope you like reading my blog. I welcome any feedback from you. My email: zaki.yz[alias]gmail.com. TQ!