High Pressure Boiler in Plant
For any plant that requires such a high temperatue in their process system, they need a high pressure boiler. This high pressure boiler can provide you the high temperature that your plants according to your plant demand. However, operating and maintaining the high pressure boiler is not something simple. It requires some knowledge and some experience as well. For me, I still need to learn more about the high pressure boiler. I also need to have more practical exposure on how to start, trouble shoot and operate the high pressure boiler. Well, for now, i do know a little about the high pressure boiler. A friend of mine, yesterday, asked me about his problem on operating a high pressure boiler. The following is his email to me.....
"How are U? ..
Hey, check with u something, have u experience that your High Pressure Boiler in your plant trip due to low water level? As I know it is a closed system where all the water vaporize to steam and condense into condensate in the system. At my place here, the HP boiler trip due to water low level. But, they cannot find the leakages...."
Well, what my friend is facing sometimes happen in any plant using a high pressure boiler. When there is some water loss from the high pressure boiler and its close system, there's definitely a leakage somewhere. You need to search, find the leaking point. Get some more help. Get more people searching for the leaking point. Do a steam test to easily detect the leak. When you find the leak, close the leak point. Well this depends on how bad/how big/small the leaking point is. Just rectify the problem, and make sure there's no more leak inside your high pressure close system. When there's no leak, water loss would not happen. The water will just follow its cycle from being a steam, then condensate, and steam again, and condensate again, and so on...without dissapering....
Note...I'm not really a high pressure boiler expert. I also need to learn some more....
posted by Kipas Repair JB @ 3:53 PM,
The Author

I’m Zaki. I used to be a project, process and chemical engineer. Few years ago I successfully became a Chartered Engineer (IChemE) and Professional Engineer (BEM). I'm now employed as a chemical engineering educator/researcher/consultant. Hope you like reading my blog. I welcome any feedback from you. My email: zaki.yz[alias]gmail.com. TQ!