300 , Design Project 2, 5S, NPSH, Pump - Rambling!!!
Sunday, November 04, 2007
I did not realize that the previous post about "Dipping Tape and Measuring Oil Tonnage" was my post number 300. That makes this current post that you're reading - number 301 in this Chemical Engineering World blog. Wow, it has been about 1 year and 3 months since I began blogging about my working experiences. I never expected , thought or dreamed this blog can be like what it is today. I never imagined to have more than 250 subscribers (at this moment and growing) for a technical chemical engineering blog. Thanks for your support.
This coming days will be a very hectic one for me. Tonnes of jobs and projects are waiting for me at work. We are going to have some minor 9 hours plant maintenance job. That job must be carefully coordinated in order to reach its objective - which is to improve the vacuum system in our plant process. I also have my plant monthly reports to complete and that is not easy as it need us to really focus and concentrate.
At the same time, the final year design project 2 file number 2 just arrived last Friday from a local university for me to read, digest, check, evaluate and give marks. I'm not sure when I can finish reading the design project report, but I was ordered to complete and email the marks by the end of this week... Well, I got to rush for that as well.
Oh yes... I almost forgot that I also need to conduct a 5S training for my plant operators. Maybe I'll arrange that on Tuesday afternoon.
Yesterday, on Saturday, I attended a very brilliant 3 hours training regarding pump. The training was conducted by one of our very experience and knowledgeable superior. From the training I discovered various types of pumps with various applications. We also did some real practice on how to calculate the Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH), based on our plant condition and situation. This was more advance from the basic NPSH that we learned in university. Furthermore, at university, we only know the theory, but this time, we experience and appreciate the NPSH knowledge... of course after we faced all the pump problems in the plant. We did learned other stuffs on why the pump trips, cavitate, air lock etc and it's relationship with the pump curve.
Lately, I also received few emails asking me some favours on various issues and also asked for some advice/assistance. I'm trying my best to entertain those request, but occasionally, lately, I'm too busy. I hope you can understand my situation. I'll try my very best to get back to some of you. I'm also struggling and fighting with time to keep this blog updated with fresh feed and content for you to read. That's why I really appreciate anybody who is willing to provide one or two post (or more... which is good) so that we can have this blog updated more frequently. If you have anything to share, it can be from your own experience or some new stuff that you learn or know, you're welcome to email it to me. If it suite this blog, why should I not post it in this blog for you?!!
I also have some post which I did mentioned to elaborate more. I'll continue them soon. Just bare with me for a while. Some of you have personally asked the continuation of those post. Sorry for the delay mate...
Labels: Chemical Engineer, Jobs, Pump, Study, Training
posted by Kipas Repair JB @ 11:26 PM,
- At Monday, November 05, 2007, said...
hello Mr owner of this blog . I am not offencing but recently your posts have become more of centered on your daily life rather than Chemical engg.
So I reqquest you to post on chemical engg related toics and provide new stuff to your readers .
Thanks - At Monday, November 05, 2007, Kipas Repair JB said...
Thanks for your input/comment.
- At Tuesday, November 06, 2007, said...
I don't think so mr. anonynomus. I like it the way it is. The posts are more personal with relevant chemical engineering touch.
Keep it up. - At Tuesday, November 06, 2007, Kipas Repair JB said...
Thanks anonymous no. 2.
Actually I'm just sharing some informations and experiences from my daily life as a process engineer. I think my blog readers would like to know that as well, besides learning other new and advance technical stuffs.
I welcome any positive and negative comments to improve this site. Thanks again.
The Author

I’m Zaki. I used to be a project, process and chemical engineer. Few years ago I successfully became a Chartered Engineer (IChemE) and Professional Engineer (BEM). I'm now employed as a chemical engineering educator/researcher/consultant. Hope you like reading my blog. I welcome any feedback from you. My email: zaki.yz[alias]gmail.com. TQ!