Inside McDonalds Meat Processing Plant
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Everybody enjoys having a happy hour meal at the most famous franchise fast food restaurant - "Mcdonalds" and that includes me. In fact, I just had a nice dinner with my family 2 days ago in Mcdonalds Jaya Jusco Johor Bahru. As I googled about processing plant, I found this very interesting short video on how the meat for their famous burgers are processed. It is amazing to learn about their hourly quality control (QC) to ensure that the meat is tasty and juicy before packing it. The cleanliness factor is also strictly taken into consideration. After neatly, safely and cleanly wrapping the boxes (which contains the meat), they're distributed throughout the States.
Labels: Control System, Equipments, Learning Curve, News, Process Parameters, Processing.
posted by Kipas Repair JB @ 11:16 PM,
- At Wednesday, March 11, 2009, Unknown said...
If you think that video is showing you the whole truth, you are sadly naive. For one thing, they dont show you the kill floor, where illegal immigrants are employed in most places (with an extremely high turnover) to kill the cows without proper training - meaning they don't always kill the cow with the first nail (the nail-gun they use to shoot 'em in the head), not to mention the heavy machinery that often takes off a hand, an arm or a leg of the untrained employees - and they dont stop production because of it, so that "meat" just gets to be part of the patties.
Ofcourse because the workers are often on drugs in order to stand their job (who can blame them? killing 5000 cows every day, skinning 'em, gutting 'em, is not exactly a nice gig) the company has a great excuse not to pay any damages to the accident victims or their family. You get a hand cut off, you're just fired and forgotten.
There are books on the fast food industry, written by insiders and journalists, that you should read.
It might not stop you from going to McDonalds or some other joint (Burger King's meat processing is the worst), but it will certainly make you think twice before placing your order with the slave-waged teenager behind the counter, who most likely spits in your food if you annoy him.
Bon appetit!
The Author

I’m Zaki. I used to be a project, process and chemical engineer. Few years ago I successfully became a Chartered Engineer (IChemE) and Professional Engineer (BEM). I'm now employed as a chemical engineering educator/researcher/consultant. Hope you like reading my blog. I welcome any feedback from you. My email: zaki.yz[alias] TQ!