Dubai Jobs - Tips and Strategies to Secure it
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Now the question is...
if so many people are looking for an engineering job in Dubai, how do you ensure that you secure your "Dream" Job in Dubai? The answer is quite logical. You need to have a multi-pronged strategy and work really hard if you wish to secure your Dream Engineering Dubai Jobs. A callous or laid-back attitude will not generate the results you desire. Similarly, just 1 or 2 approaches will not work. I will show you a systematic and guided approach. If you follow this method, then I guarantee you phenomenal results. Now, I'm not going to teach you magic. Like I said earlier, it's a logical method.
Some of the popular and in-demand Engineering jobs in Dubai are:
* Mechanical Engineering which includes: Aerospace, Automotive, Biomedical, Mechanical, Naval.
* Electrical Engineering which includes: Communications, Computer, Electrical, Electromechanical Systems, Electronic Systems, Software.
* Civil Engineering which includes: Building, Civil, Construction.
* Production Engineering which includes: Industrial Engineering, Integrated / Unified Engineering, Production Engineering, Instrumentation Engineering, Systems Engineering
* Chemical Engineering which includes: Agricultural, Biological and Biosystems, Chemical, Environmental, Food, Forestry, Materials, Plastics, Water Resource.
* Oil Engineering which includes: Gas, Geological, Geomatics, Metallurgical, Mineral, Mining, Oil, Petroleum.
Remember, that the whole process that I have described below takes some time. Securing good Engineering jobs in Dubai that fit your criteria perfectly is a time consuming and lengthy procedure, but I have compiled a few resources here for you to make it easier.
So, follow this procedure in the order given below and...
...all the best to you in your new engineer jobs in Dubai:
Engineer a good Resume:
A resume that impresses, one that gets the interview call. It's said that the first impression is the last impression. Couldn't be more true for a resume.
Some Resume Tips, specifically for Engineering Jobs in Dubai:
* Put the most important information first
* Highlight your positive points and strengths
* Highlight your accomplishments/achievements/accolades
* Point out that you will dress modestly
* Put a line that you are very tolerant with other people's religion and beliefs
* Make sure to use the right keywords, (for online searches) power keywords that will bring your resume in front of others
* Use bullet points
* One or two pages long, maximum
* No hobbies please
Online Job Portals: are Very widely used by job seekers and recruiters.
You can submit your completed resume to these online job portals. They are extremely popular in Dubai, and are used by the HR executives of the biggest and best Engineering companies to search for good resumes.
Offline Recruitment Agencies: are also very useful. Some are General while there are some that Specialise in Engineering Jobs in Dubai. The Big general recruitment agencies have dedicated recruiters and teams for various career fields. It's a good idea to approach a mix of both types. These recruitment agencies have contracts with companies, and are very prolific in finding the right candidate for the right job. They get paid for every successful placement, by the hiring company.
Engineering Companies: You can directly approach the biggest and the best companies in the engineering sector. The creme de la creme of engineering comapnies always have job positions open due to the size and leadership in the market. You can send them your Resume and Cover Letter to the Human Resources Department'S Email ID.
Classified Ads: Circulate your ad on the Internet.
You can place your "job wanted" classified in one of the Online Dubai Classified Advertisement Websites "Engineering Jobs in Dubai" section. These are reputed sites, however, since your email address is listed here, please be ready to find spam in your inbox too. A safe bet is to use a different email ID. These classified sites rank very high (in the first or second search results page) and so your chances of getting found directly by hiring companies is very high too.
Classifieds Search: Search the Wanted Ads.
There is a "jobs available" section in some online classifieds sites. You can browse these to locate engineering jobs in Dubai that fit in with what you are hunting for. However, many of the ads could be of scam recruiters, asking you to deposit money upfront. Simply ignore these.
Social Media Networking:
Network with the HR's.The HR's of Companies as well as Recruitment Agencies use Social Networking to post current jobs online and informally connect with potential candidates. This is an absolute must-do.
Preparing for an Interview:
* Go prepared.
* When you receive an interview call, remember to take along all your original certificates, experience letters and other important documents in original and photocopies.
* Brush up on the technical aspects related to the work you do.
* Show them that you are an authority on your subject and the right candidate for that post.
Tips, Do's and Dont's:
* Keep in mind the things that made you search for engineering jobs in Dubai, in the first place.
* If the job description and it's package and perks offered, fit in with what you've got in mind, then and only then apply for the job.
* Negotiating salary is not recommended in Dubai.
* You may find yourself working overtime without overtime pay.
* South Asians, need to work a minimum of 1 year, before they can change jobs, whereas this rule does not apply to Europeans, Australians and US Nationals.
Visa to visit Dubai:
You can come to Dubai on a visit visa and then go job hunting for quality engineering jobs in Dubai, as many people do, which increases your chance of landing good construction jobs in Dubai.
Physical presence in Dubai does make a difference. You can go for the interview as soon as you get a call. Read the important tips about Dubai Visas and remember that a visit visa is for a duration of 2 months, and you can extend it by a month.
This post is contributed by Shabbir Kagalwala from He provides valuable step-by-step guide to apply, search and secure Jobs in Dubai. Information loved by visitors, searching for their dream job in UAE. It will be useful for chemical engineers seeking for new job, new experience, new adventure.

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Labels: Chemical Engineer, Chemical Engineering, Jobs, Oil and Fats, Oil and Gas
posted by Kipas Repair JB @ 6:51 PM,
The Author

I’m Zaki. I used to be a project, process and chemical engineer. Few years ago I successfully became a Chartered Engineer (IChemE) and Professional Engineer (BEM). I'm now employed as a chemical engineering educator/researcher/consultant. Hope you like reading my blog. I welcome any feedback from you. My email: zaki.yz[alias] TQ!