Plate Heat Exchanger Software
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
When I was working as a process engineer, my favourite equipment was the heat exchanger. To be specific, it was the plate heat exchanger (PHE) that I am fond off. Until now, I still appreciate and liked the plate heat exchanger. The only thing is the plate heat exchanger in our unit operation lab is a little bit tiny.
All this while I thought I know a lot about plate heat exchanger. But I am wrong. I still don't know much about it. I faced some difficulty designing a plate heat exchanger for one of my project. That's when I started asking friends, heat exchanger suppliers, participated in forums and searched the net. I found and learned many softwares that are used to design plate heat exchanger. In fact, I've got myself one of the software which is called PHex. That's fine as long as I can try designing a plate heat exchanger the modern way. It was really interesting to use the software.
PHex is an easy to use tool which domonstrates the thermal calculations of Gasketed Plate Heat Exchangers, The plate dimensions and materials can be entered, this includes the size of plate heat exchanger and chevron angle (25 to 65 degrees).

List of main features:
1- User friendly and easy to use with ability to save/load data.
2- Estimate the Physical properties of more than 1450 components; the database has the ability to estimate Thermal Conductivity, Density, Heat Capacity and Viscosity. The database also included critical properties, boiling and melting points.
3- Estimate mixture properties.
4- Create you own database of Plates and Components. You can add your fluid physical properties and load the data to your project with a click of a button and more…
5- Chose between S.I. or English U.S. units of measurements.
6- Temperature and Flow rate estimation in the event of insufficient data.
7- Heat load required (clean or fouled) calculations.
8- Duty clean / dirty calculations.
9- Total effective area calculation.
10- Surface area calculation.
11- Number of plates calculations.
12- Overall Coefficient (clean / dirty) calculations.
13- Pressure drop Channel/Port/Total for Hot side and Cold side Calculations.
14- Plate heat exchanger dimension calculations.
15- Velocity through ports, Mass velocity through channel/ports calculations.
16- Reynolds and Nusselt numbers calculations.
17- Heat transfer coefficient calculations.
18- Summary of results with image to help in understanding.
This is without doubt a must have software for heat exchanger designers. This superb software cost only $69.99 per computer (1 license). You can also add on additional license with some extra cost if you are interested. For more information, click the following link:
>>> Get PHex Gasketed Plate Heat Exchanger Design Software

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Labels: Chemical Engineer, Chemical Engineering, Environmental, Equipments, Heat Exchanger
posted by Kipas Repair JB @ 11:22 PM,
The Author

I’m Zaki. I used to be a project, process and chemical engineer. Few years ago I successfully became a Chartered Engineer (IChemE) and Professional Engineer (BEM). I'm now employed as a chemical engineering educator/researcher/consultant. Hope you like reading my blog. I welcome any feedback from you. My email: zaki.yz[alias] TQ!