Various Chemical Engineering Related Blogs
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
When I first started blogging about my chemical engineering experiences in June 2006, there was no chemical engineering related blog at all. I did not mind at all because I love to write and I was glad I found a medium, a platform to express my feeling and also to share some of my experiences which I believe would be precious for young chemical engineers and students. After 2 and a half years, there are more chemical engineering related blogs emerging in the net and that's a very good sign, I mean a positive impact to chemical engineering web 2.0. At the same time, I received numerous feed backs and comments and that encourage me to contribute more to the society.
While surfing the net, I found good sites which is worth seeing. Following is a list of some of the blogs that I would like to share. Feel free to look at them. If they are good, you can subscribe to their contents. If you want to suggest any websites or blogs (chemical engineering related only please), please contact me.
Engr MAA
Oil and Gas Hot Job Vacancy
Hydrocarbon Online
Biofuel News Blog
Process Engineers - The way of life
Chemical Engineering Processing
Heat Exchanger World
Cooling Tower World
One Stop Heat Exchanger Site
Cooling Tower Online
Heat Exchanger Cleaning
Inside Chemical Plant
Valve Information Center
Pump World
Chemical Engineering Ebooks
All About Inverter
Chemical and Process Technology
Chemical and Process Engineering
Oil and Gas Technology
Heat Exchanger Technology
Chemical Professional
Cleantech Blog
Labels: News
posted by Kipas Repair JB @ 10:32 PM,
Periodic Table of Elements
I have heard about them (Periodic Table of Elements video) last end of last year. They have created a very interactive way of learning the periodic table - using They explained all the elements in the periodic table via video and update the elements video content from time to time. If you haven't heard about them or haven't watch sample of the periodic table elements, feel free to watch some of the selected elements below. For your information, I have watched mercury, hydrogen, helium, lithium and seaborgium (seaborgium, Sg is has the simplest video so far possibily because it is a very rare element).
So, what is Periodic table (of elements)? Well, the periodic table of the chemical elements is a tabular method of displaying the chemical elements. Although precursors to this table exist, its invention is generally credited to Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev in 1869. Mendeleev intended the table to illustrate recurring ("periodic") trends in the properties of the elements. The layout of the table has been refined and extended over time, as new elements have been discovered, and new theoretical models have been developed to explain chemical behavior. (Source: Wikipedia)
Personally, I have not yet seen all the elements but I'm going to watch all the periodic elements video soon. What about you?
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Labels: Chemical, Learning Curve, Video
posted by Kipas Repair JB @ 10:12 PM,
Human Body Fun Facts
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Enough about chemical engineering stuff for a while. Let's look at some bio-cool stuffs for a moment. Look at your body. The human body is actually an amazing thing. Here are a few fun and fascinating facts about our body.
* Our brain weighs about 3 pounds and all but 10 ounces of it is water. So, technically speaking, we're all water heads and no one is an airhead.
* If we stub our toe, it takes only 1/50th of a second for our brain to register the pain.
* We're all dim bulbs, because our brains use less power than 100-watt bulb.
* It can take about 200,000 frowns to make a permanent wrinkle. So the next time you notice a wrinkle, smile and stop frowning, 200,000 frowns is more than enough!
* We're all Pinocchio's. The cartilage in our noses doesn't stop growing. We can expect to grow ½ inch longer and wider as we get older.
* If we're freckled, they stop appearing usually around the age of 19 or 20.
* To speak just one word, you use 70 muscles - just one word - think about the workout someone doing a filibuster uses!
* We have more than 200 taste buds on each of the small bumps on our tongue. 200! So when we're savoring flavor, we're definitely savoring.
* Women have a far more developed sense of smell than men do and women really notice the difference in their sense of smell during pregnancy and after they've given birth to one child. According to some women, their sense of smell grows more acute with each child they have.
* When we breathe, the air passes through our nose at about 4 miles per hour and we breathe roughly 400 gallons of air every hour. Luckily we don't have to pay for it.
* We have about 18 square feet of skin.
* Our bones are about four times stronger than steel and they can endure 24,000 pounds of pressure per square inch.
* It takes about 150 days for a nail to grow from our cuticles to our fingertips. So dont bite your fingernails.
Source ©2009, LLC
Be the best chemical engineer you could be. Learn something about chemical engineering that's not inside your textbook. Subscribe to the content of this blog.
Labels: Biology, Learning Curve
posted by Kipas Repair JB @ 12:28 AM,
2nd International Conference on BIOTECHNOLOGY for the WELLNESS INDUSTRY- CALL FOR PAPERS
Researchers are invited to submit abstracts for oral and poster sessions for the 2nd International Conference on BIOTECHNOLOGY for the WELLNESS INDUSTRY (ICBWI'09) to be held at PUTRA WORLD TRADE CENTER (PWTC), KUALA LUMPUR from 23-26 July,2009. This year, ICBWI'09 will be organized in parallel with 7th INTERNATIONAL TRADITIONAL AND COMPLIMENTARY MEDICINE CONFERENCE (INTRACOMM) organised by Ministry of Health. Participants are free to attend any of the parallel sessions organised by these 2 conferences.
The organizers are also offering 3 awards each worth RM1,000 for best research papers. For further information, please see the attachment below or visit Feel free to forward this information to your colleagues who might want to participate in the 2 conferences.
Be the best chemical engineer you could be. Learn something about chemical engineering that's not inside your textbook. Subscribe to the content of this blog.
Labels: Conference, Research
posted by Kipas Repair JB @ 12:17 AM,
Crude oil is getting cheaper but why isn't gas?
When the petroleum price increase last year, many turned to liquefied natural gas and convert their cars/van/lorry to natural gas vehicles (NGV) because gas is relatively cheaper. But, now, in 2009, petroleum price has drastically and crazily reduced to a figure that was never been imagined last year. And as a direct result of that, the petrol/gasoline price has also reduced, making many people to smile. But what about those who own NGV? Are they equally smiling?
The natural gas price don't really follow the trend set by the petroleum. Wonder why? Read the following article to get the reason...
"Crude oil prices have fallen to new lows for this year. So you'd think gas prices would sink right along with them. Not so. The Associated Press reports that, for example, crude oil closed just under $34 a barrel, its lowest point for 2009. But the national average price of a gallon of gas rose to $1.95 on the same day, its peak for the year. The very next day gas went a penny higher. To drivers it sounds like a conspiracy. But it has more to do with an energy market turned upside-down that has left gas cut off from its usual economic moorings. The price of gas is indeed tied to oil. It's just a matter of which oil. The benchmark for crude oil prices is West Texas Intermediate crude oil. The price is used at the New York Mercantile Exchange each day. Right now, in an unusual market trend, West Texas crude is selling for much less than inferior grades of crude from other places around the world. A severe economic downturn has left U.S. storage facilities brimming with it, sending prices for the premium crude to five-year lows. But it is the overseas crude that goes into most of the gas made in the United States. So prices at the pump will probably keep going up no matter what happens to the benchmark price of crude oil. The recession in America has dramatically cut demand for crude oil, and inventories are piling up. So prices for West Texas crude have fallen well below what oil costs from places like the North Sea, Saudi Arabia and South America. Historically, West Texas International crude has cost more. So nobody bothered building the necessary pipelines to carry it beyond the nearby refineries in the Midwest, parts of Texas and a handful of other places. Now that the premium oil is suddenly very inexpensive, refiners elsewhere can't get their hands on it. So why not build more pipelines? Because investing billions of dollars over several years makes no sense when the prices could just flip a year from now to where they were before. At the same time, refiners have seen the same headlines as everyone else about job losses and consumer spending. They've slashed production just to avoid taking losses on gasoline no one will buy. Result: Higher gas prices."
Article as adopted from Processing Magazine.
Be the best chemical engineer you could be. Learn something about chemical engineering that's not inside your textbook. Subscribe to the content of this blog.
Labels: Learning Curve, Oil and Gas
posted by Kipas Repair JB @ 12:01 AM,
EPFB to Bio-Oil Plant Model
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
My research group, Chemical Reaction Engineering Group (CREG) will be participating in Malaysia Technology Expo 2009 (MTE 2009) after winning a silver medal in the last year's Industrial Arts and Science Exhibition 2008 (INATEX 2008) in our project entitled "Bio-Oil from pyrolysis of pre-treated empty palm fruit bunch (EPFB)". MTE 2009 will be held in Putra World Trade Center (PWTC), Kuala Lumpur from 19-21 February 2009.
As part of the research group, for the MTE 2009 preparation, I was assigned to prepare the EPFB to Bio-Oil plant model and also to ensure our short video is well creatively prepared. During the recent INATEX 2008, we have prepared a model but we it's not really attractive and not strong at all. Hence, for this time we have hired professional service to heelp us out with the model creation. With some help from the research officers and master student, I have sketched a 3 storey plant model lay out. It's really exciting to be able to design, build and construct the plant. However, I know building a real plant is not as easy as creating a plant model.
After 2 weeks working on the model, finally the plant is completed. The plant produced 840kg/day of bio-oil from EPFB. I have adjusted the costing for the production of bio-oil and it seems to be interesting. However, I'm sorry that we can't reveal the costing here.Be the best chemical engineer you could be. Learn something about chemical engineering that's not inside your textbook. Subscribe to the content of this blog.
Labels: Chemical Engineer, Chemical Engineering, Energy, Environmental, Exhibition
posted by Kipas Repair JB @ 8:09 PM,
MUCEET 2009: Calling for Papers
The 3rd Malaysian Technical Universities Conference and Exhibition on Engineering and Technology (MUCEET 2009) is coming our way. This year UMP will be the hosting venue, and will be held in Kuantan, Pahang from the 20th to 22nd June 2009. MUCEET 2009 is organized by the Malaysian Technical Universities Network (MTUN) comprising of UniMAP, UTHM, UTeM and UMP.
This conference yields opportunity for all staff from four technical universities in Malaysia in building network towards producing quality researches. It is intended to share research outcomes in four major themes namely Manufacturing, Engineering and Science, Emerging Technologies, Social Science and Management. It is hope that MUCEET 2009 will open up avenues for bringing together experienced and young researchers in a stimulating exchange. It provides a strong platform for young entrants to interact with professional experts and practitioners from various fields.
Calling For Papers
You are invited to submit an abstract in any of the following tracks. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings/book.
-Product Design
-Handling System
-Manufacturing Technology
-Manufacturing Support System
Science & Engineering
-Biology, Chemistry, Physics
-ICT, Electrical & Electronic Engineering
-Construction & Transportation, Civil Engineering
-Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, etc.
Emerging Technology
- Biotechnology
-Advanced Materials
Social Science & Management
-Social Science, Technical & Vocational Education
-Knowledge Management, Research Management
-Technology Management, etc.
Please send submissions by e-mail to '" and provide the following information latest by 20 Mac 2009:
-Name, title and affiliation for each author/presenter
-Biography of presenter/s (50 words)
-Title of paper
-Abstract (approximately 200 - 250 words)
-Presentation equipment requirements.
Guidelines for Submitting Abstracts
Important Dates
-March 20, 2009 Submission of Abstract or Full Paper
-April 03, 2009 Notification of acceptance
-April 20, 2009 Submission of Full Papers
-May 20, 2009 Papers ready for publication
-June 20 -22, 2009 MUCEET 2009
-Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, impact, and soundness. Each paper will be refereed by two experts in the field who are independent of the conference program committee.
-The best paper in each of these four themes will be recognized through an award. The reviewers will select the winning papers.
Be the best chemical engineer you could be. Learn something about chemical engineering that's not inside your textbook. Subscribe to the content of this blog.
Labels: Conference, Learning Curve
posted by Kipas Repair JB @ 8:01 PM,
Free Engineering Related Hardcopy Magazines
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
We are pleased to offer you this exciting, new, and entirely free professional resource. Visit our Free Industry resource center today to browse our selection of 600+ complimentary Industry magazine subscriptions. YES, They're all FREE!!!
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Be the best chemical engineer you could be. Learn something about chemical engineering that's not inside your textbook. Subscribe to the content of this blog.Labels: Chemical Engineer, Chemical Engineering, Magazine
posted by Kipas Repair JB @ 10:19 PM,
International Journal of Environmental Engineering Science (IJEES)
International Journal of Environmental Engineering Science (IJEES) is a new journal related to environmental engineering sciences. Interested authors are invited to submit their papers to this new journal and if you are interested, please continue reading.
IJEES will be launching their first edition soon with special issue on: "Theoretical and Experimental Research on Air, Water and Soil Pollution". Guest Editors include Dr. Mohanad El-Harbawi, Prof. Binay K Dutta, Dr. Munjed Maraqa, Dr Chun-Yang Yin, Dr Mikhail Robert Savory and Prof. Yung-Tse Hung.
(A) Original research paper or reviews are invited in the following and related areas:
- Air, water and soil pollution fundamentals and applied aspects
- Meteorology, climatology, air quality, hydrology, water quality and water management
- Consequences of air, water and soil pollution on human health
- Toxic and radioactive pollution
- Waste treatment and management
- Air, water and soil control and management
- Environmental chemistry and biology, pollution control and abatement technology
- Studies on inland, lake, river, coastal and urban waters, including sources of pollution
- Water and municipal treatment processes for industrial wastewaters and wastes
- Hazardous waste management
- Waste and pollution minimisation, and clean technologies
- Environmental safety and sustainability
- Recent developments on green chemistry and sustainability issues
- Environmental development and technical solutions
- Environmental technologies
- Environmental impact analysis and assessment in waste sector
- Environmental pollution, prevention and control
- Environmental modelling and biorestoration of polluted environments
- Simulation of the dynamics of air, water and soil pollution
- Environmental standards, legislations, regulations and criteria
(B) Deadline for paper submission: May 31, 2009
Final revised papers submission: July 31, 2009
(C) Manuscripts (in Microsoft Word file) and author documents shall be sent by email to Guest Editor.
Dr. Mohanad El-Harbawi,
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Chemical Engineering Department,
Bandar Seri Iskandar, 31750 Tronoh, Perak,
Email: mohanad_elharbawi@petronas.
A copy of manuscripts (in Microsoft Word file) and copy of author documents shall be sent by email to:
Prof. Yung-Tse Hung, Editor-in-Chief, IJEES
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2214, USA
(D) Author’s Guide:
IJEES Web site: http://www.
Note: Thanks to Dr. Mohanad El-Harbawi for his willingness to share this information in Chemical Engineering World blog.
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Be the best chemical engineer you could be. Learn something about chemical engineering that's not inside your textbook. Subscribe to the content of this blog.
Labels: Chemical Engineer, Chemical Engineering, Environmental, Journal, Review
posted by Kipas Repair JB @ 9:07 PM,
The Author

I’m Zaki. I used to be a project, process and chemical engineer. Few years ago I successfully became a Chartered Engineer (IChemE) and Professional Engineer (BEM). I'm now employed as a chemical engineering educator/researcher/consultant. Hope you like reading my blog. I welcome any feedback from you. My email: zaki.yz[alias] TQ!