How I back up my data
Sunday, January 03, 2010
In my previous entry, yesterday, I already listed down several of my targets for 2010. Most of them need full commitment from me especially for the preparation of my final project paper report for my professional engineer assessment next year as well as my PhD studies. These reports and study really meant to me and that is why I need to have reliable back up for all the collectable data in my computer.
I recalled 8 years ago, when I did my masters degree; I used 1 laptop and another personal computer at my lab to back up my thesis. I wasn’t that IT savvy and that was the only method I adopted to back up my precious softcopy information. I cannot afford to repeat or practice that again now as my work load is increasing and I don’t regard that method as a professional way to back up my files.
For that purpose and to be more efficient, there are two options for me, either save a copy to my pendrive/flash drive/external hard disc or burn it into CD/DVD. Between these two, I prefer to choose the second option. Normally, without doubt, I use Verbatim products because this brand is well known as top quality blank DVD R or CD R media manufacturer. You can find many good responses from users, regarding Verbatim CD-R at numerous review sites on the internet. Though it's a quality brand, but the price is not really expensive as you can have it as low as $0.19 per disk. Just compare this with a price of pendrive/flash drive or external hard disc. When it matters, I will buy Verbatim DVD-R if need huge capacity. Maybe the other reasons why I prefer Verbatim brand because they are subsidiary of Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation which is a recognized world leader in chemical and computer industries. Chemical people will always look after anything relate to chemical right. Heh!
Actually, I just want to share with you the importance of having a back up for whatever work we’ve done on the computer. We don’t know and can’t expect anything bad that may happen in the future that may affect our valuable soft copy documents. At least we won’t get the headache and pressure if our computer/laptop suddenly down due to virus infection or stolen. Four years ago, a friend of mine nearly got insane when his three years PhD work including his draft thesis inside his laptop vanished as his house was robbed. He almost had to start all over again but luckily he has back-up some of his work in some CD. Hence, it is better to prepare cheap, efficient and effective way to back up our data.
How about you guys? Anything you want to share how you back up your data?
Labels: Chemical Engineer, Chemical Engineering, Journal, pH.D, Research, Technology
posted by Kipas Repair JB @ 2:50 AM,
The Author

I’m Zaki. I used to be a project, process and chemical engineer. Few years ago I successfully became a Chartered Engineer (IChemE) and Professional Engineer (BEM). I'm now employed as a chemical engineering educator/researcher/consultant. Hope you like reading my blog. I welcome any feedback from you. My email: zaki.yz[alias] TQ!