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6 Beautiful Refinery Photos

I know I should continue my Professional Chemical Engineer Story Part 1 and 2, but I hope you can give me a break. I just painted my house with my family and siblings. So, instead of sharing my story, I would like to share 6 nice photos of various refineries around the world. The following photos are taken from Facebook group: Students of Chemical Engineering, which I am one of the officers there besides hosting my own Facebook Group: Chemical Engineering Rocks (now with 757 members). I'm sorry because I can't provide specific description for each photos. The photos are actually submitted by members in Students of Chemical Engineering.

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If you have gorgeous chemical engineering related photos, why not email it to me? I'll publish it in this blog and Chemical Engineering Rocks Facebook group. I'll give you all the credit for it.

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posted by Kipas Repair JB @ 8:25 PM,


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I’m Zaki. I used to be a project, process and chemical engineer. Few years ago I successfully became a Chartered Engineer (IChemE) and Professional Engineer (BEM). I'm now employed as a chemical engineering educator/researcher/consultant. Hope you like reading my blog. I welcome any feedback from you. My email: zaki.yz[alias]gmail.com. TQ!

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