Medical Billing and Coding Profession
Saturday, May 01, 2010
It was again another weekend and I’d love the fact that I can relax a little. Surfing the net is normally what I do to get more information, creative ideas and learn other things apart from chemical engineering and to ease some tense in my Ph.D research.
While doing that just now, I stumbled upon an interesting piece of information. It was related to a career in the medical industry that I have never heard before. Normally, when we discuss about medical industry, career, or degree, the first that come in my mind were careers like doctors, specialists, nurses, medical assistant/attendant and so on. However, have you heard of an area for Medical Billing and Coding? If it happens that you or your family/friends are related to anybody in the medical business, you might know about it. Honestly, it was my first time knowing such a career existed and there are colleges and universities offering this course.

Before this, when we are sick, we go to a clinic or hospital and meet up with a doctor who will examine and treat us. The doctor will normally gather as much information from us – by checking our body and asking questions; as well as from our medical history record which the clinic or hospital keeps before he/she decides how to treat us or what medication to give. A doctor who treats us can be just any normal doctor. No common doctor will know your medical history unless he/she is your dedicated private doctor.
Hence, in view of this, doctors need to be supplied with as much precise information on our medical history since we are a baby in order to diagnose us accurately. This is where the medical billing and coding experts come in. These professionals work to organize and maintain the endless stream of medical records and billing information that is processed through hospitals and clinics. These experts are responsible for the vitally important task of maintaining accurate medical records on patients, and processing bills for their medical services to insurance companies. A patient’s record may include potentially life-saving medical information such as previous diagnosis, efficacy of treatments administered, fatal allergies to medicine, anesthesia and much more. On top of that, these medical records would include family medical histories and genetic predispositions to certain diseases.
This clearly shows how crucial a career in a Medical Billing and Coding person is and people like us should appreciate it. We, chemical engineers may be the expert in process and production of a product, but when we are sick, behind the doctors, the medical billing and coding experts are the glue that holds healthcare together. They are the special support team that help treat us from our illness.
Think about it.
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Labels: Chemical Engineer, Medical Billing and Coding
posted by Kipas Repair JB @ 3:00 AM,
The Author

I’m Zaki. I used to be a project, process and chemical engineer. Few years ago I successfully became a Chartered Engineer (IChemE) and Professional Engineer (BEM). I'm now employed as a chemical engineering educator/researcher/consultant. Hope you like reading my blog. I welcome any feedback from you. My email: zaki.yz[alias] TQ!