Outsourcing Chemicals for your work
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

This was when I normally look out for local chemical manufactures and get the best deal from them. Miraculously, they have in their stock weird and complex chemicals that we need. Hence, it is good to work with reliable and resourceful chemical manufactures.
Part of my job scope back then was also handling bioremediation works at oilfield and refineries.

It is very important to know where to outsource for the chemicals and biochemicals that you need for either research or real industry application. One of my favourite source to seek for such information is sourcepoint.com. It is a global business to business product and service sourcing directory based on the United Nations Standard Products and Services Codes which provides an accurate efficient classification of goods and services. From this site, I am able to directly contact manufactures and distributors of almost anything worldwide.
Currently, as a Ph.D in chemical engineering student studying reaction/catalysis engineering and using acid catalyst, I can efficiently search for the right catalyst from all over the globe. For example, under the “Chemicals including Bio chemicals and gas materials”, I can find “Acid Catalysts”. So, I just click at “Acid Catalysts” and I will get a row of results on companies offering acid catalysts.
I’m not sure about you and what products you are interested in. If you are in need of any chemicals, why not search it yourself there.
Labels: Chemical, Chemical Engineer, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry
posted by Kipas Repair JB @ 12:58 AM,
The Author

I’m Zaki. I used to be a project, process and chemical engineer. Few years ago I successfully became a Chartered Engineer (IChemE) and Professional Engineer (BEM). I'm now employed as a chemical engineering educator/researcher/consultant. Hope you like reading my blog. I welcome any feedback from you. My email: zaki.yz[alias]gmail.com. TQ!