Experiment #1 Was Interesting
Friday, June 11, 2010
At this very moment, I'm at the lab. I've just tested my experimental rig baby. I have looked forward to conduct the first test run since I received the quartz tube reactor from United Kingdom 2 weeks ago. After adjusting the fittings, data logger, syringe pump and other related issues concerning the experiment, I decided to run experiment #1 on a beautiful Friday afternoon. This is 3 days earlier than what I planned. I initially planned to run the experiment on Monday.
The main objective of the test run today is to identify any problems. Yes, there will definitely be some problems when we run an experiment.
Today's effort can be considered a fruitful one. I identified few problems that I need to take care off. Here are some of the outcomes:
1. The thermocouple and data logger works fine.
2. The vacuum fitting for thermocouple connection also looks good.
3. The data logger software is marvelous.
4. The heating tape has done its job. It showed me high reading at 320oC.
5. The fitting from the syringe pump to the steel tubing definitely needs highest attention. I need to search a way to improve the connection.
6. The furnace temperature reading is OK but not consistent with my thermocouple reading. That's fine. I'm expecting that.
7. The syringe pump needs some attention too. It's quite confusing to adjust and run it.
8. I have not tested the experiment with nitrogen as carrier gas. Without carrier gas, I can observe bubbles from the beaker containing water.
9. I burnt my finger while accidentally touching the heating tape. One finger only.
10. I need to becareful with the thermocouple wire because it create spark when it touches the angle iron end.
11. I need to apply some quartz wool at the inlet and outlet of the reactor to avoid waste of heat energy from the furnace. Without quartz wool the thermocouple reading is lower by about 100oC plus.
Those are some of the findings I discovered today and I'm pleased with it. I'm now waiting for the reactor to cool down and I will check the quartz tube end, o-ring, fittings etc.
Labels: Chemical Engineer, Chemical Engineering, Equipments, pH.D
posted by Kipas Repair JB @ 6:39 PM,
The Author

I’m Zaki. I used to be a project, process and chemical engineer. Few years ago I successfully became a Chartered Engineer (IChemE) and Professional Engineer (BEM). I'm now employed as a chemical engineering educator/researcher/consultant. Hope you like reading my blog. I welcome any feedback from you. My email: zaki.yz[alias]gmail.com. TQ!