Revolutionary Vacuum Cleaner from James Dyson the Inventor
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
James Dyson is an inventor and a technology team player. He is the type of man who likes to make things work better. Dyson and his team have developed various brilliant quality products that achieved sales of over £3 billion worldwide. He has established James Dyson Foundation in 2002 with the intention to promote charitable giving in the field of science, engineering, medicine and education. He is also the founder of Dyson School of Design Innovation which will be opened in 2009.
In 1991, Dyson won the International Design Fair prize in erformance that the G Force became a status symbol. He designed and built an industrial cyclone tower, which effectively and efficiently removed powder particles by exerting centrifugal forces greater than 100,000 times those of gravity.
In 1993 he opened his research center and factory in Wiltshire, and developed a machine that collected even finer particles of dust (microscopic particles). He came out with the revolutionary Dual Cyclone™ (DCO1) system, the first in a range of cleaners to give constant suction. The traditional bag has been replaced by two cyclone chambers which cannot clog with dust. After the outer cyclone has spun out the larger dust and dirt particles, the inner cyclone further accelerates the air to remove unhealthy microscopic particles. It proves to be a better and improved vacuum cleaner.
The technology that this Dyson vacuum cleaner employed separates dirt and dust from the air by centrifugal force and collecting it in a bin. It doesn't rely on a filter or bag that clogs, hence suction remains constant. Users will save money because there’s no bag or filter to be replaced in the vacuum set.
The technology is so great that it captures particles as small as pollen, bacteria and mould spores. That's why the air a Dyson expels has 150 times less pollen, bacteria and mould spores than the air you breathe. On top of that, the Dyson vacuum set is tested strong, tough and durable.
Labels: Environmental, Equipments, Learning Curve, News, Quality, Review
posted by Kipas Repair JB @ 12:12 AM,
- At Wednesday, December 05, 2007, Ron George said...
nice. i think i'll own one and check the hype out.
- At Wednesday, December 05, 2007, Kipas Repair JB said...
- should check out their hand's more hygienic and cost effective.
The Author

I’m Zaki. I used to be a project, process and chemical engineer. Few years ago I successfully became a Chartered Engineer (IChemE) and Professional Engineer (BEM). I'm now employed as a chemical engineering educator/researcher/consultant. Hope you like reading my blog. I welcome any feedback from you. My email: zaki.yz[alias] TQ!